Saturday, October 23, 2010

i should really be updating this more...

I keep meaning to update this blog more, and I really don't have a good reason why I haven't. I think my dislike of the quality of images my little point and shoot digital camera produces, along with my general ability to distract myself have something to do with it. Nonetheless I keep plugging along. Making things and taking pictures of them.

A few weeks ago I finished another large-ish painting. Another in my ongoing series about land and water and nature and manmade and the intersections between all of these things. Inspired first by a wonderfully decrepid building I saw on the side of the road somewhere between Alsea and Waldport.

until the rain comes pouring down, 2010
oil on canvas

until the rain comes pouring down (detail), 2010
oil on canvas

And finally, I'm pretty close to finished with a new (yet to be titled) smaller painting.